
Family Cassie McCloskey Family Cassie McCloskey

pure magic


What a gift it is to be invited into the world of our children. Where butterflies are magic, open fields are made for roaming— filled with make believe castles and princesses with veils, crowns are made from twigs and blooms.

This is it, the sacred space.

With twinkling eyes and loud laughs the hide-and-seek plays on. May we meet them. May we look them in the eyes, and play. May we jump and run and tumble. May we swing and build and roll. Welcoming their invitation with open arms.

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Cassie McCloskey Cassie McCloskey

a letter to lucy


To my sweet baby girl,

This is for you, my precious one. To capture the fleeting moments that are your childhood. The magic, the beauty, the sacred space. This is for me. The time—it’s going so fast. If I could bottle it up and put it in my pocket forever I would. May these images remind me to slow down, to linger, to soak it all in— every last ounce of it. I will cling to them as the seasons change, we are changing too. The sacred space that is your childhood. The beauty that is motherhood. This is our time, my dear. I will capture it for us.

To all the mamas soaking in this season with their littles. This is our time— we are growing and so are they. I want to help preserve & celebrate these moments for your family at this very moment, just as you are. Welcome to this space.

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